
上海东哥 行业
2019-09-15 11:00:21


作者:Kevin Otto,美国GS1 社区参与高级总监,翻译:王国文,中国(深圳)综合开发研究院物流与供应链管理研究所所长

It’s a technology that has been heavily publicized and scrutinized over the past two years, diversely described as either the next big thing or a complex rabbit hole.


Depending on your point of view, and most importantly, depending on what problem you’re looking to solve, blockchain is emerging as a potentially powerful tool. On the surface, the list of benefits sound promising and many of them could be truly revolutionary. Blockchain can:


help the supply chain finally modernize and move away from paper systems.


help companies better align with consumer demand for information transparency.


lead to more accountability in the supply chain by creating an immutable ledger or audit trail of product events and transactions.


However, it’s important to keep in mind that it is still a nascent technology with many unknown consequences and considerations attached to it.While some companies are pursuing blockchain quite confidently after use cases have been proven, many others are finding out that it’s really not a magic problem solver. They have ended up learning more about their systems’ability to share data externally, their trading partners’data sharing capabilities, and have encountered serious data quality issues and inconsistencies.


The onus today is on industry to complete its due diligence in these areas before making serious commitments to blockchain technology and advocate for greater interoperability.With the global blockchain supply chain market expected to reach over $9 billion by 2025, according to Allied Market Research (AMR), it’s critical for supply chain teams to clearly define success now and determine if blockchain is the right path forward and the best use of their budget dollars.如今,业界有责任在对区块链技术作出保障之前对这些领域的详细调查,并倡导提高交互操作。据联合市场研究机构(AMR)称,到2025年,全球区块链供应链市场预计将达到90亿美元以上。对于供应链团队来说,给与区块链明确的定义,确定区块链是否是正确的前进道路,以及如何最好地利用他们的预算资金尤为重要。

One common thread between those who expand their blockchain implementations and those who pull back on blockchain is the essential foundation for data quality and systems interoperability enabled through GS1 Standards. As the most widely-used supply chain standards system in the world, GS1 Standards have been leveraged by industry for more than 45 years.


Several GS1 Standards make up the building blocks of blockchain, as they provide consistency and structure to data transactions on a blockchain, increasing the likelihood that the intended outcome will be achieved.


As you evaluate blockchain, consider your organization’s adherence to these key standards that are foundational to nearly every blockchain supply chain use case— including traceability, product provenance, preventing the circulation of counterfeit goods, and more.




Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) – These identification numbers are what power global commerce and help businesses manage products on the physical and digital shelf. If every item is uniquely identified with its own GTIN, it retains an identity regardless of where it is in the supply chain.


Identification that is persistent beyond the four walls of the company is key for a blockchain implementation. A blockchain is composed of “blocks” of data stored on a “chain,” i.e. a decentralized ledger. It creates an immutable record so the blocks need to contain a universal data language starting with product identification to ensure that the right data is stored and communicated further down the chain.


Global Location Numbers (GLN) – Similar to GTINs, these are numbers that uniquely identify organizations and locations in the supply chain.


GLNs give companies the flexibility to identify any type or level of location required for supply chain visibility.They can identify a warehouse, a restaurant, a retailer, a hospital, even something as specific as a store shelf. Or, they can identify a company’s legal or functional entities as they relate to a particular business transaction, for example as buyer, seller, or carrier.


Why is this important for blockchain? The most popular use cases in blockchain today revolve around supply chain visibility with specific focus on locations and origins. For example, a food recall use case requires location accuracy, as we saw with Walmart’s early mango blockchain pilot where the retailer’s supply chain team was challenged to trace mangos from a supplier in Mexico to a US store. It’s equally necessary to reveal a product’s specific origin, as in Cargill’s turkey tracing app, where consumers could find out the exact farm where their Thanksgiving turkey was raised.


GS1 barcodes – For data to be shared among trading partners (with or without a blockchain), it must be captured. It’s a given that most companies use the U.P.C. seen at checkout. But for supply chain visibility purposes, more trading partners, particularly in the food industry, are leveraging the GS1-128 barcode, to capture dynamic product information and serialized logistics data, such as expiration date,and batch/lot numbers. Using these barcode labels, companies enable the automatic recording of product-specific information whenever a barcode is scanned, for a more real-time view of where products have been and where they are going.


Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) - One particular standard has been cited by those piloting blockchain programs as essential to maintaining the proper flow of data. EPCIS is a GS1 Standard that supports the exchange of physical event data and is increasingly deployed in sectors such as fresh foods, healthcare, and logistics to improve efficiency in areas ranging from inventory management to consumer and patient safety. It has been used to enable significant improvements in transactional data sharing.


At its core, EPCIS is like a standardized application program interface (API). Typically, an API is used to specify how software components should interact. EPCIS acts in a similar way to capture and share information about the movement and status – the what, where, when and why – of products, logistics units and other assets in the supply chain. EPCIS simplifies the capture and description of events that are written and companies can more instantly rely on a single version of the truth about supply chain and logistics events. Also, it can be implemented with a number of different data carriers, including GS1 barcodes and EPC-enabled.

EPCIS 的核心是一个标准化的应用程序接口(API)。通常,API用于指定软件组件应如何交互。EPCIS 以类似的方式来捕获和共享有关产品、物流单元和供应链中其他资产的转移和状态(什么、在哪里、何时以及为什么)的信息。EPCIS简化了对编写的事件的捕获和描述,公司可以更快速地依赖于关于供应链和物流数据的汇总来了解事件最真实的情况。此外,它还可以用许多不同的数据载体来实现,包括GS1条码和EPC。

radio frequency identification (RFID). Unlike “batch oriented” data transmission mechanisms, EPCIS is more suitable for blockchain because it more efficiently documents the potentially massive amounts of event-based data.




We are at a critical moment in blockchain scalability where companies are still determining which aspects of blockchain work for an enterprise supply chain setting. The automation advances brought by smart contracts alone are valuable for some, while others may find more inherent value in the entire blockchain ecosystem.The complex needs of different supply chains require the development of solutions that make sense for different use cases and industries. As those solutions are developed, it’s important to prepare data and organizational teams now. Simply rushing into blockchain without first adapting legacy systems and processes for less manual involvement will not yield a successful outcome.


Recent studies confirm this. A survey from the World Economic Forum and Accenture found that while respondents expected a 24% return on investment (ROI) on their early blockchain projects, they only saw a 10% return on average. Industry stakeholders interested in blockchain should learn from this early stage and prepare accordingly to maximize ROI.


Ultimately, no matter what happens with blockchain, its presence is forcing an important conversation around the long overdue modernization of the supply chain. By bringing more trading partners together, blockchain has reignited interest in data sharing and interoperability that can eventually reduce friction in the supply chain and create the agility needed to align with consumer needs. Now is the time to stay educated on blockchain and continue to evaluate its value to overall supply chain goals.


本文地址: https://www.xiguacaijing.com/news/xingye/2019/13187.html